Coronavirus Update – A Letter from the CEO

Coronavirus Update – A Letter from the CEO
At National Auto Care, the safety and well-being of our employees and our customers is always our priority, and we recognize the important role we play in providing our Agents, Dealers and Contract Holders with the high level of service they have come to expect. We are actively monitoring the COVID-19/Coronavirus situation and taking steps to help keep our communities safe. We wanted to share with you some steps we are taking.
Aligning with public health authorities
We have a team dedicated to our response to this pandemic and have Business Continuity Plans to ensure the continuation of services. We are closely monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19. We will continue to seek guidance from these agencies, public health officials and government agencies on an ongoing basis.
Protecting our employees and customers
As our employees interact with customers and the general public, we have taken steps to limit exposure to the virus. We have put restrictions on travel, are limiting the size of meetings and providing remote-work solutions, and continue to reinforce safe behavior in every environment.
Assisting our employees
We are in continuous communication with our employees reminding them of the importance of good hygiene, providing them with health education and support whenever needed. Employees who feel ill have been told not to report to work, and we have specific quarantine and communication procedures in place should an employee be diagnosed with COVID-19 or is asked to self-isolate by a public health authority, and we will continue to provide comprehensive benefits to support them.
In addition, since last Friday, we have implemented a work-from-home test for claims and customer service teams, and I am happy to report that our remote work planning is working as planned. We would anticipate continuing to expand our work-from-home scheduling as needed or mandated by the local or federal agencies.
Our commitment to our customers and our communities
National Auto Care understands that this is an unprecedented event, and we are mindful of the responsibilities we have; not only to everyone we work with, but our local communities and the families affected by this unfortunate event. While we are in a very fluid environment right now, rest assured that we are and will continue to do all we can to minimize the impact it may cause on you and your customers.
While we have transitioned many employees to remote work, our hours of operation remain the same – that means you, your dealers and their customers still have as much access as always to claims, customer service and other members of our support staff. We’re happy to report no disruptions to the business, with yesterday’s call volume and customer service levels remaining consistent.
And on a personal note, we appreciate those of you who have reached out to let us know how impressed you’ve been with our continued excellent service. I am extremely proud of the work our teams are doing and am confident I can count on them to keep it up over the coming days or weeks.
What we ask of you
Please take care of your family and company first, and let us know if there is anything that we can do to help you or your dealers. Please have patience and know that everyone at National Auto Care is dedicated to doing everything we can to get it done right, timely and consistently.
If you need any assistance, please reach out to me or any of the senior leaders to help. My personal cell number is 904-707-7509.
Tony Wanderon, CEO